Sexual Assault

KU CARE Services

The University of Kansas provides confidential services to students who have experienced interpersonal violence (e.g. sexual assault, rape, and harassment; sexual exploitation and other sexual violence; stalking; and intimate partner/dating violence). Melissa Foree (she/her) is the coordinator of CARE Services, whose main role is to provide campus support for students who have been affected by interpersonal harm.

All support from CARE Services is free, confidential, and voluntary. CARE Services staff are not mandated to report incidents to any University officials or the police. CARE will believe you and support your decisions about what’s next.

Some services may include:

  • providing emotional support and supportive counseling
  • requesting supportive measures that respond to academic, safety, or housing needs
  • assistance in accessing medical and/or mental health care
  • helping navigate campus and community resources
  • offering information about options and support during reporting processes (both KU and criminal)
  • requesting financial assistance through the IPV Fund

Getting Support

If you or someone you know has experienced interpersonal harm or violence, please visit, email, or call 785-864-9255 to learn more. CARE Services is typically available on weekdays from 8:30 am to 5 pm (when the KU Lawrence campus is open). We want to connect with you!

If you need support immediately or after-hours, trained advocates at The Sexual Trauma & Abuse Care Center (or “The Care Center”) are available by phone 24/7 to provide support and assistance to sexual violence survivors: 785-843-8985.

The Willow is available to those who have experienced intimate partner violence, stalking, or human trafficking, by phone 24/7: 785-843-3333.

Sexual Assault Exams

Lawrence Memorial Hospital
24/7 support
325 Maine St., Lawrence, KS

Lawrence Memorial Hospital (LMH) provides post-assault services to people 14 and older by checking in through the Emergency Department (24/7)Services provided through a SAFE exam are free and confidential (although you may be charged for medical care received beyond this exam and medications).

A SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Exam) includes medical care and a forensic examination of someone who recently experienced sexual assault. The exams are provided by a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) with informed consent. SANEs are specially trained in the medical, psychological, and forensic examination after sexual violence.

Someone has many choices throughout this process, such as declining the forensic evidence collection part and accessing medical care only. In addition to collecting forensic evidence, they have access to:

  • on-site advocacy and support,
  • STI testing,
  • drug testing (if drug-facilitated assault is suspected),
  • and emergency contraception.

A SANE will refer for additional medical care or possible follow-up post-assault care as needed.

A SAFE exam must be completed within approximately 120 hours (5 days) within the incident, although within 72 hours (3 days) is recommended. In Kansas, someone can choose to have a SAFE and report to law enforcement immediately. Reporting options include making a criminal report that could initiate a formal investigation or making an informational report. There’s also an anonymous option to have an exam stored for up to 5 years if someone is undecided, or otherwise does not want to report to law enforcement right away.

What’s next?

You may go directly to the LMH Emergency Department (325 Maine St.) to access the care you need and deserve. A free, confidential advocate from The Care Center (off-campus) will automatically join you to offer support and help answer questions with your consent.

However, you don’t have to have it all figured out or know what you’re going to do next. It’s okay to take time to decide and ask questions first. Talk with a trained advocate 24/7 at 785-843-8985.

During weekdays (8:30 am to 5 pm) CARE Services is also available to discuss options and provide support to KU students specifically. Please contact CARE Services at 785-864-9255 or Located in Watkins Student Health Center.

If transportation to LMH Health is needed, please call the KU Public Safety Office at 785-864-5900.

Sexual Assault Resources

KU Police Department
785-864-5900 (non-emergency)

Lawrence Police Department
785-832-7509 (non-emergency)

LMH Health
785-505-6162 (Emergency Room)

Office of Civil Rights & Title IX

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) 

Student Affairs

Sexual Assault Prevention & Education Center (SAPEC) 

Watkins Health Services