Athletic Training
Athletic Training offers evaluation and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries/disorders by a certified Athletic Trainer.
Meet your Athletic TrainerAthletic Training Appointments
Watkins Health Services Athletic Training department offers evaluation and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries/disorders for students, faculty and staff. Please wear or bring comfortable clothing that you would normally wear for exercise. To make an appointment with our certified Athletic Trainer, call 785-864-9507. If you are experiencing a possible concussion or neck or back pain, please make an appointment to see a WHS medical doctor or nurse practitioner.
Charges for Athletic Training
Every student at KU enrolled in 3 credit hours or more pays a wellness fee each semester as part of the student fees. The wellness fee entitles the student to be seen by our providers at no charge for the office visit. There is a charge for Athletic Training supplies or x-rays. Watkins Health Services Business Office can bill your insurance company directly if you provide them with current information. Please contact the Business Office at 785-864-9520 with any questions you may have about cost.